Monday, January 5, 2009

And so it is...

I am rife with creative energy lately, but faced with inexplicable writer's block. The other day I spent five minutes staring at a blank word document before I decided that nothing was going to happen. I'm also continuously overly critical of my own work, which has led to a dead end in my only piece of work currently in progress, a story called VERSUS which is more or less about a world in shambles and a battle between angels and demons and how the forces of evil and good control the stability of the remaining world...more or less. It's not very long yet because well...I have the plot written out, but I don't want to write poorly in my so called 'filler' chapters.

But none of that is really here or there. After a three week hiatus from school, I've returned to Pittsburgh and I won't be home until March, which is when I'll probably be rounding up job applications and also getting a temporary mouth splint to help my teeth from separating post braces. I didn't really know what a mouth splint was or looked like, but thanks to google, I now know it looks like this. Which seems pretty similar to retainers. Hm.

I told you that would come back into play at some point in the future. I couldn't resist.

Meanwhile. I am currently enjoying the two hour break I have between German and statistics. Btw, it is my first day of classes this semester, but so far I've only had chemistry and German and German only ran about twenty or so minutes because we were in too small of a room and there were a lot of people. On the upside, it was one of the many nationality rooms featured in our cathedral of learning. I think it was the Lithuanian room. Anyway we're not meeting there on wednesday or ever again so it doesn't matter. The teacher seems nice and everything. I'm not too nervous because it sounded like some people spoke worse than me, though there was one girl who I swear was fluent. Don't get me started on people like that.

Oh and in case you were wondering how chemistry went, my teacher is a shriveled old British man who is nice enough in lecture, but is kind of grumpy and decrepid outside of class. I had him last semester. He is about four feet tall and wears a vest that swallows him. Also, he inexplicably puts a glove on his right hand (I think it's his right) every class. I thought maybe it was for chalk, but he holds chalk in both hands during class, so I can't figure it out. I have a feeling that class won't be much different than it's predecessor, so I'm not concerned.

Up next is stats and then bio at six in the evening. While this is extremely unpleasant, at least I only have it two days a week. A major bonus, in my opinion, especially considering my Fridays are pretty non-stop with classes.

I've resigned myself to actually reading my biology book this semester. Last semester I only read it for the first unit, which was my best unit consequentially. After that I was like pshaw, but upon receiving a Cish grade on the second test, I probably should have reverted back to reading it. It's not like I have a social life preventing me from doing better or spending time reading.

I'm hungry. I'm meeting Tess for Einstein's before stats because we have it together.

Blah blah, more on my uninteresting life. Why are you even still reading this?

I love F. Scott Fitzgerald, in other news. I think he is possibly one of the best authors ever. People who enjoy Stephenie Meyer should reevaluate their interests. Scratch that, it's okay to enjoy her, people who think she is a legitimately good author should reevaluate their literary interests. That being said, a story can be good without being well written.

I also love the Harry Potter books and after a few years of shunning the movie franchise (started after seeing the horribly redone set and style in the third movie) I am childishly excited for the new movie coming out this summer. Though, it wasn't my favorite book, it was better than the second one, which was probably my least favorite. I guess the fourth one was my favorite, or the third one. I do love Lupin.

I need to go find my life. I lost it somewhere.


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