Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Soon We'll Be Living in the Future

And might I say, thank God for that. I can only handle one more final, so it's good that's all I have. Let me tell you a little something. College secretly sucks. It is not keggers and parties and sluts and pimps and frat houses and nerds conquering jocks, though there are sprinklings of some of those things. College is some tough work. Of course I knew that going in, but nevertheless, UGH. (side note: my iTunes seems to have a developed a fondness for Taking Back Sunday, because it has been playing them constantly. What is the point of shuffle if it's not giving me any variety? Enough whiny emos from Long Island, play me some Brand New! ...ha) Anyway. I suppose my AP classes in high school were a good indication of what grades I would be making in college, since they were college level courses. (Bs and As if you were wondering). It looks like I'll have a B in every class except english, which I've succesfully managed to pull an A in.

Finals are stressing me out. It's my first experience with college finals and I'm having anxiety issues. I thought for sure I failed Bio Lab because I failed like half of the quizzes we had on the labs, but God was on my side I guess because I managed to get a B- thanks to my superb B+ and C+ on my practicals. Ugh, I never would have been happy with a C+ in high school. All I have left is my bio final, which I have about three days to study for, so I have plenty of time to review. Um, did I mention my bio final is on a SATURDAY. In fact, if I were to stay much later, they would have the police escort me out of my dorm. 'Legally' I have to be out of the dorms by noon Sunday, so the fact that my Bio final is at 4:00 PM on Saturday is upsetting.

Okay, let me tell you a little something about calculus. I hate it. I. Hate. It. And the problem is, it's really useful stuff. Integrating can get you different types of functions and blah blah. Like, it applies to physics and therefore applies to life. (I love physics). I thought I was so ready for my calc final: WRONG. It was 849762901 times harder than the second midterm and roughly equivalent in difficulty to the first midterm (on which I got a 58% which, with the curve was a B, does that not tell you something about my teacher's ability to teach?) I managed to pull a C on the final with the curve (57% without). I think I pulled a B in the course anyway. I hate calculus. I passed. I am so done with that shit.

Chemistry can die. I am so uninterested in chemistry. It's boring and understandable and I did really well on the practice finals, so it figures I missed seven problems on the actual final. Whatever. I'll get a B in that class, it's fine.

Bio, providing I do well on my final, will provide me with a B.

But I'm still stressed because my roommate is gone, I'm bored, I'm tired of studying, and I just want to go home. And I only get three weeks off while everyone else gets a month-a month and a half.

I need a break like you would not believe. Every sunday for the past three months has been spent on the phone with my dad figuring out calculus problems.


On the plus side, I got to see a relatively homemade video of John Nolan playing the piano and singing, and it brightened up my day.

I think my next post might be a best of, but maybe not, as I've been out of the pop culture loop ever since I came to college. Whatever.


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