Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Greetings imaginary readers! I've moved on to the pluralized form because I'd like to believe there's more than one imaginary person reading my blog. I dream big, what can I say.

Let me tell you about the stressful upcoming week I will be having and how I'm writing a blog post instead of working on a) my film analysis essay b) calc review c) chem review d) understanding what the hell is going on in biology. Next week on Monday I have my first calculus and chemistry tests (one right after the other with an hour in between I might add). I also have a five page essay on the prompt "is it possible for there to be a universal hero?" due that day. Tuesday I have my first lab practical for bio lab, which should be fun considering 1) I hate labs and b) I'm not doing too well in that class anyway. This Thursday I have an appointment with the student health clinic to have a lump on my neck checked out (yay!). It's been there for three or four months so I guess I should figure out what the problem is. The week after next I have a study abroad session (mandatory if I want to study abroad, which I do), then I have a biology test (on cell signaling which makes little to no sense. DOES NOT COMPUTE), then that Saturday I'm participating in the Pitt makes a difference day which should be fun because I like helping out. Then the next week........MY PARENTS ARE COMING TO VISIT!

Here I was assuming I was 18 and capable of being independent (to some extent). College has kicked my ass. I want my mommy. No but really, I miss my parents a lot and I'm really glad they're coming to visit for family weekend/homecoming. I hope we kick Rutger's butts.

Also, I feel I'm never going to get into medical school. My parents told me this isn't a legitimate fear as it's only my freshman year but I got an 82 on my first bio test, which isn't bad. Still, I feel like unless I have a 4.0 consistently until I die, medical school will laugh and use me as a lab rat at best. It is a legitimate fear.

I would kill for some homecooked food and some limeade. Oh how I miss thee limeade.

Yesterday I karate chopped the door shut Chuck Norris style and Tess had a good laugh. Then we had an in depth discussion about bananas.

Oh my.

College life is proving to be conisderably as equally mundane as I had expected. I need to go to a party, at least once. I'm going to a party on Halloween at least but I think most of them are up at Sutherland and I don't want to go there.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh wellllllllllllllll.

Enjoy imaginarily reading this!


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

It's Alright 'cause I'm Saved by the...

If my family life were a sitcom then my current life would be the spinoff of that sitcom and it would be called Saved by the Scholarship: The College Years. Or maybe it would be more like A Different World and I would eventually become an obsolete character in the sitcom of my life and would no longer be on the show. Moving on.

My life is not a sitcom however, but I have entered the college years. I've succesfully managed to survive two whole weeks of college. Of course, being truthful, I've called my parents everday. We're super close so you know. But I retain my independence. I'm getting more adjusted as the days go by. Homework isn't as overwhelming as one might think. There is a lot of reading and I should be reading more of my chemistry book but it's just the basics right now. That, perhaps, is my biggest problem. I'm growing frustrated at the fact that we're only covering the basics of things because it feels like I've been living here for months. In reality I haven't even completed two whole weeks of class. Lame.

I don't want to go to sleep because I know when I wake up for my 8am class, I will be spending four hours in Chemistry lab. I hate laboratory settings. I do. And I don't think we have lab partners for chem lab. I'm a pretty smart girl. I don't want to toot my own horn or anything but really, I'm smart. I was smart enough to get into pitt and somehow I managed to sucker them into giving me a scholarship. I got a 1300 on my SATS and a 31 on my ACTS. I am not, by any means dull. Too the point now: however smart I may be, I always seem to have no brain when it comes to doing a lab. I feel too timid to ask questions or I just stare at my paper like I'm trying to read Chinese. It's horrible. Maybe it's lab anxiety. Whatever it is I hope I get over it because we have lab practicals in biology. I'm not sure about chem. I haven't met my actual lab instructor yet, we had a sort of stand-in last week. He was nice but he couldn't speak english very well and i have this horrifying image of a lab instructor who can't help me because he can't understand me.

Moving on again.

I got extremely sunburnt at the football game last weekend. I stayed for three quarters until it was just too much to bear and then I hightailed it out of there. I went with Kelley, my new friend from Chemistry. It was fun but it was too freaking hot. I brought a hoodie (foolish little me) thinking it might get chilly. HA. It's been warm ever since. I got so sunburnt as to get slightly sick. I may have gotten sun poisoning or something. I was so dizzy and nauseous for the rest of the day that I had to postpone my study session with Kelley for the next day. It was awful. Now, thanks to that sunburn, my face is peeling. I looked like a tomato the day of the incident. Anyway my nose is peeling, my cheeks are peeling, my forehead is peeling (and breaking out in zits). I look fabulous. Who wouldn't want to date me right now? Ugh.

I think I'm going to do laundry tomorrow. I figure if I do it while I'm reading my biology book, I'll stay more focused on bio. Rather than if I was just in my room where my computer would be sitting begging me to sit on it and click 'Stumble' aimlessly for hours. Damn you stumbleupon. Even when I could be doing something more interesting, sometimes I just sit at my computer pressing stumble until my brain melts.

Anyway. Lab in chem and calculus tomorrow and I'll be out by two. College is so exciting. not.

I'm going to apply to become a Pathfinder. Wish me luck imaginary reader. I really would like to get the job. I have to go shopping this weekend and by some dress pants and shoes because I conveniently packed nothing nice to wear for my legs. They are upset with me now.

Anyway. Moving on. Etc. etc.
