Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Might as Well Face It...

No, I'm not addicted to love, though I might be. I've never actually thought about that. We'll leave that to Robert Palmer shall we? I am however complete mentally addicted to a little show called American Idol. It represents everything I simultaneously love and hate about showbusiness and American entertainment. I know it's a relatively stupid show but you have to admit, some of the people singing on this show do have some talent. Like cute little monkey-faced David Archuletta. Even if you hate this kid, he can sing. And anyway I'm hopelessly in love with David Cook.

Think about it though. For me, regardless of whether or not you feel this way, American idol evokes many emotions in me that even a good sob-fest kind of movie can't. There is my immense hatred for Paula Abdul's outstandingly stupid comments, "That was look really nice...I'll were're a bundle of sunshine". Note that some of these things have actually been said (more or less) by the stupendously idiotic Ms. Abdul. My dislike for the annoying contestants both past and present : Constantine, Sanjaya, and Kristy Lee Cook (thanks vote for the worst! (though I do love that website)) has also evoked a familiar hateful feeling within me, couple with immense joy when they were duly kicked off. There's also the sense of struggle, right? Am I the only one who actually likes Sayesha? Maybe she's not the best singer ever but she's got a pretty freaking good voice. Anyway, the point is, you can feel a variety of emotions watching American Idol and despite the fact that it's mass-produced crap exploiting anyone decent once they get a record deal, I can't stop watching. Even if Ryan Secrest doesn't host next year. American Idol has brainwashed me and I will never get those countless hours back. Nor do I want to!

But enough about American Idol. (I hope Jason is off this week. His stoned charm has only lasted so long and he massacred Bob Marley last night) I have a busy few weeks ahead of me. Tomorrow is my AP German exam. Ich bin nicht fertig. Ich glaube, dass ich nicht gut genug bin. Ich werde meiner Pruefung failen. P.S. Failen is not a word. I think I'll be alright. I just need to be sure to read over my adjective ending sheet. You have no clue. Unless you take German or speak it, in which case you probably do. I have one other AP, Physics B. I'm a bit nervous but I think I'll do better on it than the German as I'm fairly certain it's entirely english. Though there are some greek letters (sigma F equals ma and all that). It's all greek to me. Sorry...anyway after APs I have to attend my 'pittstart' dates for University of Pittsburgh to sign up for classes and stuff. It's like a pre-orientation. Pretty much APs are the kick-off to my busy summer. June brings forth senior ball, senior bash, graduation, amidst countless graduation parties. July means my eighteenth birthday as well as my two week trip to California and then Orlando some weeks later then orientation and then college. It's all going to fly by, I know. I feel like I have a lot to prepare for but luckily the only challenging and unentertaining thing I'll be doing is the AP exams...unless I end up having to take the pre-calc final.

So now that you know my summer itenerary as well as my addiction to American Idol, I'll leave you to waste your time reading someone else's blog. As if anyone is reading this anyway!

Jeopardy is on and me and Kebert Xela have some time to spend together. College week yay!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think I'm the only one who reads this, lol

Your sense of humor is subtle but makes me smile nonetheless :)