Wednesday, March 26, 2008

This is Art


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Our popularized sub-culture disgusts me

Today I've heard a horribly disturbing bit of information that doesn't necessarily shock me, but still disgusts me. A thirteen year-old daughter of my father's coworker has started cutting herself. I do not understand how the emo-sub-culture has turned kids as young as thirteen and undoubtedly younger into self-mutilating unhappy people.

Why has cutting become okay?

I don't care how depressed you are or how bad your life is. Putting a blade to your skin makes absolutely no sense. I've been depressed, I've been upset, life sucks some times. What you're supposed to do is gather yourself up and deal with your issues or get yourself out of that bad situation. Just giving up and injuring yourself to 'release your pain' isn't okay. Talk to someone, talk to anyone, talk to me. I don't care. Cutting isn't okay. It's the most absurd thing I've ever heard of. Dressing in black and feeling cool becausey you're depressed is probably the most ridiculous trend yet to come around.

Don't cut yourself. Achieve your goals, remember that God never gives you more than you can handle and if you don't believe in God then just remember that things will get better if only you try. Believe in a better tomorrow. I'm so sick of emo and cutting and immaturity.


Thursday, March 6, 2008

And now back to Planet of the Apes

For those of you who read this, which is only me, I left you all with the bold statement that the Planet of the Apes is true. As it has been over a month now since I last posted, I forget why I felt this way. Most likely because Michael Jackson lives and breathes.

American Idol is on and getting close to the top twelve. My personal favorite this year is likely everyone's favorite, David Archuletta. This kid is seventeen and bursting with natural talent. He's one of the youngest in the competition and also one of the best. Besides that, he's adorable and modest, very likeable characteristics. I honestly think he'll win, but you never know with Vote for the Worst still up and running. I hate that website. Cool idea, but really, look at what it did last season for Sanjaya. My God. I have to stay I can't stand Luke Menard who has successfully ruined every song he's sung so far, particularly 'Killer Queen' by Queen. Freddie Mercury cannot be imitated, sorry. I also loathe Amanda Overmyer, who has the voice of a chain smoker (she can't sing anything but freaking Janis Joplin), the hair of a skunk, and the personality of a depressed teenager. I think she smiled for the first time last night. I guess she's a nurse, but she's more likely to scare her patients to death than anything. I hope she's off this week, I really do.

Now that the writers strike is over we still aren't seeing any new episodes. Hopefully in the next month we'll see something. By the time new episodes get cranked out, the seasons will be over anyway. Oh well, Entertainment Weekly has promised that shows like Pushing Daisies, which I love, will likely be back for a second season because of the writer's strike. These shows probably wouldn't have made it in competition with stuff like Grey's Anatomy, which has lost my interest as of late. Am I the only one who's sick of Meredith being so emo all the time? God, if McDreamy wanted me that bad, I wouldn't be moping about my drunkard of a father.

Anyway, this post is late so I should post it now before it becomes ancient.
