Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Alas, Poor Yorick or something....

Which always just makes me think of Iorek Byrnison from the Golden Compass. Now, I would have pronounced it literally "eye-or-eck", but the movie says no, so whatever. Hamelt and MacBeth are the only two Shakespeare plays I enjoyed and MacBeth was partially just because there was guy called MacDuff "OH YEAH". Did anyone else think it was weird when Hamlet made out with his mom in the Mel Gibson version. Too many creative liberties there WHOA.

But that really isn't the point of this post. By the way, when did this blog become a livejournal?

Oh right, when I started writing it. Remember that one time I tried to make it into a blog that reviewed stuff, what a funny day. And then it turned out I didn't even review a completely wonderful movie, but just an okay funny one.

I keep saying, I don't get to sleep before eleven thirty: ever. Inappropriate use of a colon alert! Anyway, it's true. I never get to sleep before eleven thirty and the plan was that tonight I would go to sleep at ten, but oh look it's past ten and I'm still awake and probably will be for another hour at least even though I have a chem lab at eight in the morning.
I hate being a freshman or, at the very least, living in an all freshman dormitory because GOSH (yes gosh). "7] You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not acquit anyone who misuses his name." Yes I did just quote one of the ten commandments, not that I've never said God before, but next time I say gosh, keep this in mind. By the way, you know what I wondered, who the hell translated the bible and how did they know that whatever it said in arabic translated to Deuteronomy? Really.

But I was talking about my housing situation. Our floor is not only extremely cliquey, but it's all freshmen in our dorm and I don't know maybe I'm not as mature as I think but I could do with less estrogen and immaturity and more co-ed dorms WOO CO-ED.

Anyway. I think my internal clock is set too far ahead because I could totally go for a marriage and maybe a few babies right now. Hold the fries though, they upset my stomach. Really though. I feel old sometimes. I think maybe it's just because I'm not that into partying and I worry more about getting caught at a party with alcohol and the whole 'knowingly present' rule than having fun or whatever... I need to get a job at some place interesting and meet people that way. I thought I could work the desk at the Andy Warhol Museum providing it isn't too far of a bus ride, but I wouldn't want to have to work late and take the bus back in the dark. I wouldn't feel safe.

So I'm resigned to finding something to do on campus until I can get a summer job somewhere interesting, except I'll probably just work somewhere not interesting. But I have to get a job this summer at any rate if I want to go to Melbourne, Australia spring semester of my sophomore year. Which I do.

And I want to be a Pitt Pathfinder next fall, we'll see.

I want to marry Jason Segel (replace teddy bear with me) also. I think he is ideal. He should really call me up. I'm talking to you Jason Segel. Look me up at Pitt. It'd be a swell idea.

Ho hum. I'm extremely excited about going home for Thanksgiving as it's been three entire months since I've seen my house or my dogs or Fairport and I'm homesick, not as bad as when I first moved in, but still, I can't wait to see the canal and the coffee shop and feel more homesick when I have to come back for two weeks and study my ass off for finals.

My first college finals experience oo yay!

In other news, I may have to have reconstructive surgery on my gums because they are still so swollen after the whole 'teeth straightening' process. I visit the orthodontist wednesday next week. Also, I'm not getting my hair cut until Saturday, because you cared.

Did you know that Jason Schwartzmann was originall cast to play Jake Gyllenhaal's role in Donnie Darko? Why do I care? You ask. Because:

Prepare to see this used a thousand more times for no reason and probably out of context because it cracks me up. I forgot to mention, I spent an hour reading the 'trivia' section of movies' IMDB pages which was spurred by my realization that all of Seth Rogen's friends in Knocked Up have the same names as the people who play them.

Long story short, I am a loser.


Sunday, November 2, 2008


Greetings one and...well, let's not be too drastic and assume more than one person is ever reading this. I feel like a real college student now that I've been to a frat party. Halloween was exciting.

Let's see, I usually have good costumes but considering I am a cheap skate and I was lazy this year, I wore three polos with popped collars and wore a tipped hat and big sunglasses and went as a douche bag. I thought the subtlety and idiocy would be ironic but it turns out it wasn't. My roommate went as a rubik's cube, which was a big hit. It looked fantastic.

As you can see.
Anyway. We didn't know what we were going to do. We really didn't want to bum around the room on Halloween. NO WAY MAN! So found some girls on our floor and went to a frat house at Carnegie Mellon. It's a really short walk and anyway, one of the girls on our floor had a friend who goes there I guess? We never met her. The first frat house we tried to get into wouldn't let us in because we weren't from CMU so we were trying to decide if we should go back to Pitt and find a frat party there or go to some other frat houses at CMU when some kid dressed as Kevin Gnapoor from Mean Girls (we hope anyway because he was acting like him and uh...he looked awful if it wasn't a costume) comes up to us and touches my back and the girl next to me and is like "ladies, there's plenty of fun inside, we've got the power back on". My first thought was to step forward a little because some creepy Indian dude was touching my back. Anyway. Apparently their power had gone out and they were trying to get people back inside.
Actually we went to the door and there was a guy kind of, you know, guarding it. And he was like "Anyone have a CMU I.D.?" while he was ripping off the paper bracelets that let us get in and he was like "Anyone? Eh." and he just let us in, which was rad, I guess. Well I had this red plastic solo cup to go with the whole "i'm a douchebag whose going to get drunk and rape you" outfit, and he was like "Bringing your own cup in? That's ballsy."
ANYWAY. So we went to a real live frat party. That was exciting. I feel like a real college kid. It wasn't particularly exciting. This one dude kept trying to spin my roommate like she was actually a rubik's cube and at first it was funny but he did it like twenty times. She almost fell over a couple of times. It was actually still pretty funny the last time. Then three guys were grinding on her box and it was HILARIOUS.
But anyway, we just danced and there was beer on the floor and it stunk, but whatever. We went got pizza after that and then at 2am we were still awake so Tess and I decided to watch the Hills Have Eyes, which we rented but she fell asleep and I (stupidly) decided to do laundry at 2am and didn't finish until 4am. Then I got like four hours of sleep and then I took a nap from 3pm-7pm and flipped a shit because it was so dark out when I woke up and I thought it was like 10.
But anyway, frat party, cool deal. Especially considering I am like the world's biggest worrier and for 50% of our time in the frat house I was worried we were going to get busted for being in a building with alcohol underage. I am so pathetic.
By the way, Clive Owen should have been the new James Bond. Daniel Craig really isn't doing it for me. I think Clive Owen should play every leading man role. But, you know, just me.