Saturday, August 16, 2008


Before I bring you my irregularly scheduled blog post let me present you (my imaginary reader) with this query. What if I wrote this entire post in Webdings? Put your mind around that.

Sorry I just fail to understand why Webdings in an optional font for this blog. Maybe some people prefer to be more cryptic than me. Anyway. I've decided to give up trying to put any purpose on this blog. It's just a way for me to let out thoughts I guess. Trying to stick to any set reason to write makes me want to do it less. I was going to do a review of the Dark Knight when I saw it like a month ago but I'm not in the mood now. It was awesome by the way. Phenomenal performances from all the actors (except Maggie Gyllenhaal. Everyone said they liked her better than Katie Holmes but I was unconvinced with her performance). Anyway, RIP Heath Ledger. There's my mini review.

I'm headed off to college Tuesday. The great unknown...more or less. Did I mention I got a big fat 4 on my Physics AP. Oh yeah, I definitely did better than failing. What now?

Anyway. College. Yes I'm off to the University of Pittsburgh. I'm looking forward to it though. My roommate seems really nice. I'm slightly dreading the onslaught of coursework I'll undoubtedly have. I have this creeping feeling that Analysis of Film is going to be much harder than it seems. If my teacher is anything like Hogan, he'll talk through the entire movie or pause it every five seconds and we'll get through one movie the entire semester. I doubt my teacher is like that.

I swear I had something important to ramble about but I guess not. My infrequent and patchy blog posts must annoy you, imaginary reader.

Until next time. (years from now undoubtedly)
